Energy transition

The energy transition is a source of great risk and great opportunity. Here is a selection of our research-backed insights on key developments.

Insights: Energy transition


As a result of the invasion of Ukraine, DNV decided in the beginning of March to wind down all business with Russian entities and operations in Russia. We currently do not have any business in Belarus and will not enter into new business in Belarus or with Belarusian entities.

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Høvik, Norway, 27 October 2021 – A feasible path to limit planetary warming to 1.5°C requires certain countries and sectors to go below net zero and to do so well before the middle of the century, according to new analysis from the authors of the Energy Transition Outlook.

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글로벌 선급 및 인증기관 DNV(노르웨이 선급협회)가 ‘2021 에너지 전환 전망(Energy Transition Outlook 2021)’ 보고서를 발간하고, 지금 즉시 범 글로벌 차원에서 모든 전기 생산을 신재생 에너지 체제로 전환해도 2015년 파리에서 개최된 제21차 유엔 기후변화협약 당사국 총회(파리 협약)에서 결의된 2050년 탄소 중립 목표를 달성하기에는 턱없이 부족한 상황이라고 밝혔다.