Synergi Gas - Unsteady-State

Performs off-line unsteady flow condition analysis in natural gas networks

Unsteady-State module

The Unsteady-State module performs off-line unsteady flow condition analysis in natural gas networks. Its ease-of-use and compatibility with Synergi Gas make it the off-line transient module of choice for gas transmission planners and designers.

What you get

  • Models of gas composition, heat content and specific gravity as it varies with time as system supplies change
  • Models of simple or complex pipeline systems
  • Integrated models can include all facilities, including pipes, valves, regulators, compressors, storage fields and other special facilities

With the Unsteady-State module you can

  • Model complex regulator and compressor stations with multiple series elements on several parallel runs
  • Balance your network volumetrically or thermally, with options including both heat content tracing and component tracing
  • Automatically or manually operate facilities during simulation

추가 정보

Synergi Gas

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